Welcome to JNAPS Admission Portal

Applicacation Guidelines:
1. Click "Create Account"
2. Generate and Print Invoice
3. Proceed to Bank to make payment
4. Send your Payment details (e.g Depositor's Name, Amount Paid, Payment ReferenceNo, Date and InvoiceNo) to finance@jamaaschools.org and wait for response. Upon payment confirmation, proceed to "Continue Application" section to complete the Online Forms.

For enquiries or support, please send us e-mail or call our helpdesk line (9:00 AM  –  4:00 PM weekdays only)

Start Application

Please use the link below to create account and generate payment invoice which you will use to pay for your application form in the Bank.

Create Account Re-Print/Track Invoice

Continue Application

Enter your MobileNo. and the InvoiceNo. below and hit 'Continue' to start filling the Application Form
